경력직 영문 이력서 & Coverletter(은행, 회계 등)
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경력직 영문 이력서 & Coverletter(은행, 회계 등)

자료번호 t749036
수정일 2012.11.18 등록일 2011.06.10
페이지수 5Page 파일형식 워드(doc)
판매자 be******** 가격 1,800원
  • 다운로드
  • 장바구니



외국인의 감수를 받아 작성된 이력서입니다. 은행, 회계 및 기타 다양한 분야에 자신의 상황에 맞게 각색하여 사용하시면 좋은 결과가 있으실 것으로 예상되니 요긴하게 사용하시길 바랍니다.


Computer Skills
Language Skills
Career History
Skills Summary


경력직 영문 이력서 & Coverletter(은행, 회계 등)
Curriculum Vitae




Date of Birth:


20-- University
Certificate II in Accounting Procedures
Completed Subjects:
Business Computing – Distinction Grade
(Word, Excel, Access, PowerPoint)
Accounting I – Distinction Grade

20--~-- College of International Business
Diploma in Export Management Course
Completed Subjects:
Accounting and Financial Management
Communications - Written
Principals of Marketing
Cultural Dynamics–International Business

20--~-- University of
The Bachelor of Arts Degree
Majoring in Social Science and Economics

High School
The Higher School Certificate
Subjects Completed:
3 Unit Maths, 3 Unit Economics, 2 Unit English
Biology, Chemistry

Computer Skills Excel, Word, Powerpoint, Outlook, Lotus, Access

Language Skills English (fluency in spoken and written)

Career History

Jan 06 – Present Limited
(Permanent Casual) Account Sales Operator
Taking bets from customers over the phone
Provide customer service to resolve queries

Jun 09 - Aug 09
(Temp) Customer Service Officer
Provide customer service to stock broking enquiries
Resolve customer problems in a timely manner

Mar 09 - May 09 Bank
(Temp) Bank Clerical Officer
Transactional banking by processing debit & credit vouchers
Data Entry
Contact branch managers to resolve queries

Oct 06-Sep 08 Ltd, Seoul
Sales Support, Document & Settlement Specialist
Provide support & assistance to equipment Finance sales team and Vendor Partners
Facilitate transaction queries, quotes, application submission, documentation, follow up & workflow support
Document preparation for equipment finance loan products
Settlement of all transactions for equipment finance
Ensure that security perfection, title flow, duties and pre-settlement compliance issues are determined & satisfied prio


본 자료는 참고문헌이 없습니다.
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서비스를 제공하는 제공자(Online Service Provider, OSP)” 입니다.
경력직 영문 이력서 & Coverletter(은행, 회계 등) 게시물의 저작권 및 법적 책임은 자료를 등록한 등록자에게 있습니다.
저작권이 침해된다고 확인될 경우 저작권 침해신고 로 신고해 주시기 바랍니다.

추천 레포트

  • 영어이력서 영문이력서 resume education english resume 무역영어 국제통상영어회화 이력서
  • OBJECTIVE I am seeking a position in the education field.
  • 경력직 영문 이력서 & Coverletter(은행, 회계 등)
  • 경력직 영문 이력서 & Coverletter(은행, 회계 등) Curriculum Vitae Name: Address: Telephone: Date of Birth: Education 20-- University Certificate II in Accounting Procedures Completed Subjects: Business Computing – Distinction Grade (Word, Excel, Access, PowerPoint) Accounting I – Distinction Grade 20--~-- College of International Business Diploma in Export Management Course Completed Subjects: Accounting and Financial Management Communications - Written Principals of Marketing Cultural Dynamics–International Business 20--~-- University of The Bachelor of Arts Degree Majoring in Social Science and Economics High School The Higher School Certificate Subjects Completed: 3 Unit Maths, 3 Unit Economics, 2 Unit English Biology, Chemistry Computer Skills Excel, Word, Powerpoint, Outlook, Lotus, Access Language Skills English (fluency in spoken and written) Career History Jan 06 – Present Limited (Permanent Casual) Account Sales Operator Taking bets from customers over the phone Provide customer service to resolve queries Jun 09 - Aug 09 (Temp) Customer Service Officer Provide customer service to stock broking enquiries Resolve customer problems in a timely manner Mar 09 - May 09 Bank (Temp) Bank Clerical Officer Transactional banking by processing debit & credit vouchers Data Entry Contact branch managers to resolve queries Oct 06-Sep 08 Ltd, Seoul Sales Support, Document & Settlement Specialist Provide support & assistance to equipment Finance sales team and Vendor Partners s Facilitate transaction queries, quotes, application submission, documentation, follow up & workflow support Document preparation for equipment finance loan products Settlement of all transactions for equipment finance Ensure that security perfection, title flow, duties and pre-settlement compliance issues are determined & satisfied prio
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  • Kil-Dong Hong 9-3, Woosin Bldg. 4F, Galwol-Dong, Yongsan-Gu, Seoul Phone: (02) 712-5000 E-mail: hong@kbsjob.co.kr JOB OBJECTIVE Senior accountant for a growing multinational firm ............... 중략..............
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